Narcissistic Rage is an intense fury that is unmistakable - but the way that a narcissist expresses their rage can vary between narcissists. Some will physically attack. Others will throw and smash things or slash furniture with a knife. Some will clench their teeth and repeatedly hit a wall, or punch through a door. Some will scream and shout. Some will exhibit a chillingly quiet, psychopathic sort of fury, which is just as frightening to observe.
Narcissistic rage is a consequence of ‘narcissistic injury.’ It happens when the narcissist’s outer bubble is punctured; when the protective suit of armour, the false persona, is penetrated by some external event, or when they are low on narcissistic supply. It could be a perceived personal slight which brings on the injury, or any situation in which things do not go the narcissist’s way. With little insight into what is happening the rage quickly bursts forth, like a reflex response, and the resulting drama and fear causes a massive boost in narcissistic supply, which fortifies the narcissist’s false persona once more.